By MH Kazmi on November 10, 2020 57, are, candidates, elected, elections, Muslim, Us بین الاقوامی خبریں

اسلام آباد(ایس ایم حسنین) امریکی انتخابات میں دنیا کے دوسرے خطوں کے برعکس مسلم مخالف جذبات کو واضح شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا ہے۔ اس کی واضح مثال امریکہ کے جنرل الیکشن میں حصہ لینے والے مسلمان امریکی امیدواروں میں نصف سے زائد کی شاندار کامیابی ہے۔جو امریکی انتخابات کے بعد سامنے آنے والی نمایاں […]
By MH Kazmi on December 14, 2019 15, and, Britain, candidates, elections, History, in, is, successful, their, they, were, what, who اسلام آباد, اہم ترین, بین الاقوامی خبریں, خبریں, دلچسپ اور عجیب, سٹی نیوز, کالم

لندن (ویب ڈیسک) برطانیہ کے سنہ 2019 کے عام انتخابات میں کامیاب ہونے والے ممبران پارلیمان میں 15 پاکستانی نژاد برطانوی بھی شامل ہیں جنھوں نے مختلف سیاسی جماعتوں کے پلیٹ فارم سے انتخابات میں حصہ لیا اور پارلیمان پہچنے میں کامیاب ہوئے۔ جیتنے والے زیادہ تر پاکستانی نژاد سیاستدانوں کا تعلق برطانیہ میں حزبِ […]
By MH Kazmi on December 6, 2019 "KAMYAB", Announced, By, candidates, firstly, given, Naujwan, of, pakistan, payments, Prime Minister, program, to اسلام آباد, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

وزیراعظم عمران خان کا کہنا ہے نوجوانوں کو کامیاب جوان پروگرام سے بہت امیدیں ہیں۔ وزیراعظم عمران خان کا کامیاب جوان پروگرام کی تقریب سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہنا تھا حکومت کا کام ہوتا ہے روزگار کے مواقع فراہم کرنا اور حکومت کاروبار کو سہولت فراہم کر رہی ہے۔ عمران خان نے کہا میں نے […]
By MH Kazmi on November 26, 2019 08:40, 10, 2019, 25, A, Administration Posted:, and, are, as, at, candidates, College, criteria: The, Description Principal Divisional, education, educational, following, For, from, FULFILLING, have, head, individual, institution, invited, is, least, Matric Applications, Nov, of, PM, prep, prestigious, principal, prominent, providing, PST Job, public, quality, Samundri, school., served, suitable, the, to, would, years, – اشتھارات, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Principal – Administration Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:40 PM PST Job Description Principal Divisional Public School Samundri is a prestigious educational institution providing quality education from prep to Matric Applications are invited from suitable candidates fulfilling the following criteria: The individual would have served as Head of a prominent Public College and School at least for […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 11:05, 2019, 23, 9th, :, A, and, apply, are, as, be, candidates, date, december, directors, Directors Posted:, eligible, encouraged, energy, entertained., experience, filled, following, For, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, invited, Jobs, last, late, listed, manner, members, Ministry, not, Nov, of, only, PM, post, prescribed, private, PST Ministry, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, short, submissions/applications, the, to, will, work اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Pakistan Baitul Maal Department Jobs 2019 for 100+ Assistant Directors, Deputy Director, Naib Qasid, Security Guards & Dispatch Riders Higher Education Commission (HEC) Jobs 2019 for 7+ Assistant Programme Specialists, Social Development, Financial Management Specialists and Other Pak Fauj FF Regimental Center Jobs 2019 for 7+ LDC and UDC Clerks in Abbottabad SPSC Jobs 11/2019: […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 10:44, 2019, 23, 5th, A, and, apply, are, as, Automotive, be, candidates, date, december, eligible, encouraged, entertained., experience, Fauji, filled, Finance, following, For, Foundation, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, Jobs, last, late, listed, Managers, manner, Mechanics, Mechanics Posted:, not, Nov, of, officer, only, PM, post, prescribed, PST Fauji, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, short, submissions/applications, the, to, will, work اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Fauji Foundation Jobs 2019 for Officer Finance, Managers and Automotive Mechanics Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:44 PM PST Fauji Foundation Jobs 2019 for Officer Finance, Managers and Automotive Mechanics to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply to the post […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 (PSPA), 10:45, 16th, 2019, 23, A, and, apply, are, as, assessment, authority, be, candidates, date, december, eligible, encouraged, entertained., evaluation, experience, filled, following, For, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, it, Jobs, last, late, manner, not, Nov, of, officer, PM, policy, post, posts, Posts Posted:, prescribed, Protection, PST Punjab, Punjab, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, social, submissions/applications, the, to, will, work اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Punjab Social Protection Authority (PSPA) Jobs 2019 for Policy Officer, Assessment Officer, Evaluation Officer and IT Posts Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:45 PM PST Punjab Social Protection Authority (PSPA) Jobs 2019 for Policy Officer, Assessment Officer, Evaluation Officer and IT Posts to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 10:45, 2019, 2019 Posted:, 23, 5th, 8th, all, apply, as, Aspirants, Batch), before, cadet, candidates, Conditions, date, december, doctor, eligibility, FULFILLING, go, interested, join, last, m, M-Cadet, May, must, name, navy, Nov, of, on, Online, or, Pak, pakistan, PM, PST Join, register, required, requirements, scheme, these, through, to, who, Wish,, – اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Join Pakistan Navy as Doctor through M Cadet Scheme 5th Batch 2019 Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:45 PM PST Join Pakistan Navy as Doctor through M Cadet Scheme 5th Batch 2019. Aspirants who wish to join Pak Navy as M-Cadet Doctor must go through all eligibility conditions required to apply. Interested candidates fulfilling these requirements may […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 11:05, 2019, 23, 9th, :, A, and, apply, are, as, be, candidates, date, december, directors, Directors Posted:, eligible, encouraged, energy, entertained., experience, filled, following, For, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, invited, Jobs, last, late, listed, manner, members, Ministry, not, Nov, of, only, PM, post, prescribed, private, PST Ministry, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, short, submissions/applications, the, to, will, work اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Ministry of Energy Jobs 2019 for Private Members and Directors Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:05 PM PST Ministry of Energy Jobs 2019 for Private Members and Directors to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply to the post in prescribed […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 &, (SPSC), 11/2019:, 12:13, 1507+, 2019, 24, 24th, A, am, and, Announced, apply, are, as, be, been, candidates, date, december, department, Department Posted:, education, eligible, encouraged, entertained., experience, following, from, have, in, incomplete, institution, Instructors, Jobs, last, late, Lecturers, listed, literacy, manner, not, Nov, of, only, post, prescribed, PST SPSC, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, short, Sindh, submissions/applications, the, to, will, work اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

SPSC Jobs 11/2019: 1507+ Lecturers and Instructors in Sindh Education & Literacy Department Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:13 AM PST SPSC Jobs 11/2019: 1507+ Lecturers and Instructors in Sindh Education & Literacy Department have been announced. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 12:21, 16th, 2019, 24, 7%, A, Abbottabad, Abbottabad Posted:, am, and, apply, are, as, be, candidates, center, clerk's, date, december, eligible, encouraged, entertained., experience, Fauj, FF, filled, following, For, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, Jobs, last, late, LDC, manner, not, Nov, only, Pak, post, prescribed, PST Pak, qualification, recognized, Regimental, relevant, required, requirement, short, submissions/applications, the, to, UDC, will, work اشتھارات, ای پیپرز, خبریں

Pak Fauj FF Regimental Center Jobs 2019 for 7+ LDC and UDC Clerks in Abbottabad Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:21 AM PST Pak Fauj FF Regimental Center Jobs 2019 for 7+ LDC and UDC Clerks in Abbottabad to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 12:58, 2019, 24, 7%, 9, A, am, and, apply, are, as, Assistant, be, candidates, commission, date, december, Development, education, eligible, encouraged, experience, filled, Financial, following, For, from, HEC, higher, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, Jobs, last, late, management, manner, not, Nov, of, other, Other Posted:, post, prescribed, Programme, PST Higher, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, social, Specialists, submissions/applications, the, to, will, work اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Jobs 2019 for 7+ Assistant Programme Specialists, Social Development, Financial Management Specialists and Other Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:58 AM PST Higher Education Commission (HEC) Jobs 2019 for 7+ Assistant Programme Specialists, Social Development, Financial Management Specialists and Other to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 &, (NUTECH), 08:30, 2019, 23, 8th, applications, apply, candidates, categories, date, december, eligible, Engineering, For, from, in, include, inviting, is, islamabad, Jobs, last, Managers, multiple, National, Non-Teaching, Nov, of, PM, project, PST National, staff, Staff Posted:, teaching, technology, these, university, Vacancies اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

National University of Technology (NUTECH) Islamabad Jobs 2019 for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:30 PM PST National University of Technology (NUTECH) Jobs 2019: NUTECH is inviting applications from eligible candidates for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff in multiple categories. These vacancies include Teaching staff, Project Managers, Engineering,… Last Date of Apply: 8th December […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 &, /, 11:50, 2019, 23, A, applications, candidates, designer, Developers, eligible, engineers, For, from, graphic, inviting, is, Jobs, mobile, Nadra, Nov, other, Other Posted:, PM, PST NADRA, qualification, recognized, required, software, UI, UX, Web اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, ای پیپرز, خبریں, سٹی نیوز

NADRA Jobs 2019 for Software Engineers, Graphic Designer, UX / UI Designer, Mobile / Web Developers & Other Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:50 PM PST NADRA Jobs 2019: NADRA is inviting applications from eligible candidates for Software Engineers, Graphic Designer, UX / UI Designer, Mobile / Web Developers & Other. Required qualification from a recognized… Post […]
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 (PCAA), 1152+, 2019, 23, 37, A, air, and, applications, Assistant, assistants, authority, aviation, candidates, civil, control, directors, eligible, flight, For, from, Inspectors, inviting, is, Jobs, Nov, other, Other Posted:, pakistan, PM, PST Pakistan, qualification, required, traffic اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, ای پیپرز, خبریں, سٹی نیوز

Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 91
By MH Kazmi on November 25, 2019 &, 100, 11:54, 2019, 23, applications, Assistant, Baitul, candidates, department, directors, Dispatch, Dy, eligible, For, from, inviting, is, Jobs, Maal, Mal, naib, Nov, other, Other Posted:, pakistan, PM, PST Pakistan, Qasid, qualification, required, riders, the اشتھارات, اہم ترین, ای پیپرز, خبریں

Pakistan Baitul Maal Jobs 2019 for 100+ Assistant Directors, Dy Directors, Dispatch Riders, Naib Qasid & Other Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:54 PM PST Pakistan Baitul Maal Jobs 2019: The Baitul Mal Department is inviting applications from eligible candidates for 100+ Assistant Directors, Dy Directors, Dispatch Riders, Naib Qasid & Other. Required qualification from…. Post Views […]
By MH Kazmi on November 23, 2019 11:40, 2019, 21, 28, A, and, apply, are, as, be, candidates, cities, Cities Posted:, eligible, encouraged, entertained., experience, filled, following, For, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, Jobs, late, listed, management, manner, multiple, not, Nov, only, PM, post, posts, prescribed, project, PST Project, Punjab, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, short, submissions/applications, the, to, unit, will, work, […] اشتھارات, ای پیپرز, خبریں

Project Management Unit Punjab Jobs 2019 for 28+ Posts in Multiple Cities Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:40 PM PST Project Management Unit Punjab Jobs 2019 for 28+ Posts in Multiple Cities to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply to […]
By MH Kazmi on October 5, 2019 away, candidates, columns, from, Haroon Rasheed, imran khan, INSTEAD, of, stay, Suggestion, taking, the, trust, worthy اہم ترین, خبریں, کالم

لاہور (ویب ڈیسک) حسین بن منصور حلاج نے کہا تھا:ان کیلئے میں روتا ہوں ، رائیگاں جو چلے گئے ۔ ان کیلئے میں روتا ہوں ،راستوں اور راہوں میں جو سرگرداں ہیں ۔ یہ کالم ایک سرکاری دفتر میں لکھا جا رہا ہے ۔مسا فت میں ہوں ،اس کے سوا کوئی چارہ ہی نہیں ۔ […]
By MH Kazmi on June 29, 2019 Arrest, arrested, big, candidates, commission, decision, election, from, of, orders, two, waziristan اہم ترین, خبریں

اسلام آباد(ویب ڈیسک) الیکشن کمیشن نے وزیرستان سے گرفتار دو امیدواروں کو رہا کرنے کا حکم دے دیا۔الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان نے پی کے 113 اور پی کے 114 وزیرستان سے گرفتار دو امیدواروں کو رہا کرنے کا حکم دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ انتخابی شیڈول جاری ہونے کے بعد امیدوارکو گرفتارکرنا پری پول دھاندلی ہے۔ […]
By Web Editor on November 26, 2018 10th, 2018, 2019, 2428, A, admin, age, and, applications, apply, are, as, Assistant-I/II, Available, be, before, below, box, called, candidates, Chargeman, criteria, DAE, december, drivers, Drivers PO, eligibility, eligible, encouraged, Engineering, entertained., experience, Federal, following, For, from, Govt, hand, in, incomplete, institution, inviting, is, Jobs, Jr, late, limit, manner, must, not, notification, on, only, or, organization, other, PO, post, prescribed, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, requirements, see, SHORTLISTED, submissions/applications, submit, Tech-IV, Test/Interview., the, to, vacancies/positions, will, work, written اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں

PO Box 2428 Federal Govt Organization Jobs 2019 For Jr Assistant-I/II, Admin, Engineering, Chargeman, DAE, Tech-IV And Drivers PO Box 2428 Jobs 2019: The Federal Govt Organization is inviting applications from eligible candidates for Jr Assistant-I/II, Admin, Engineering, Chargeman, DAE, Tech-IV and Drivers. Required qualification from a recognized institution, relevant work experience and age limit […]
By Web Editor on November 19, 2018 A, candidates, Committee, Decide, expected, form, imran, investigative, Khans, less, than, to, Vote اہم ترین, خبریں, لاہور

لاہور (ویب ڈیسک)سینیٹ کے ضمنی انتخاب میں ن لیگ کے رہنماوں کے نااہل ہونے پر خالی ہونے والی دونوں نشتیں پاکستان تحریک انصاف نے جیت لی ہیں تاہم ان کے امیدواروں کو توقع سے کم ووٹ ملے جس پر عمران خان نے تحقیقات کیلئے کمیٹی قائم قائم کرنے کا فیصلہ کر لیا ہے۔ نجی ویب […]
By Web Editor on November 16, 2018 &, /, 2018, 30TH, 3297, A, admissible, along, and, application, apply, are, as, be, box, candidates, DAE, date, documents, drivers, eligible, encouraged, entertained., experience, filled, following, For, from, immediately, in, incomplete, institution, interview, invited, is, islamabad, Jobs, last, late, listed, manner, No, not, November, only, organization, PO, post, posts, prescribed, process, public, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, requirement, sector, selection, short, submissions/applications, submit, TA/DA, Tech-I, Test/Interview., the, to, will, with, work اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, خبریں, دوسرے شہروں سے, سٹی نیوز, لاہور, مقامی خبریں

Anti-Corruption Court Karachi Jobs 2018 for Computer Operator, Record Keeper & Dispatch Rider Posts PO Box 3297 Public Sector Organization Islamabad Jobs 2018 for Tech-I / DAE & Drivers Posts Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) Jobs 2018 for Various Posts KPPSC Jobs 7/2018: 25+ Naib Tehsildar / Graduates Posts in KP Board of Revenue & […]
By Web Editor on October 1, 2018 243:, candidates, commission, election, Final, For, issued, list, NA, of, the اہم ترین, خبریں

کراچی (ویب ڈیسک) این اے 243 کا ضمنی انتخاب کے حوالے سے الیکشن کمیشن نے انتخاب میں حصہ لینے والوں کی حتمی فہرست جاری ہے ، این اے243 کی نشست عمران خان کے وزیراعظم بننے کے بعد خالی ہوئی تھی۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق الیکشن کمیشن نے این اے 243 کی خالی نشست پر ضمنی انتخابات […]
By Web Editor on August 28, 2018 'Tube, 123movies, 2017, 3, afridi, age, Ahad, airbnb, Airlines, ali, Amazon, america, AMERICAN, Amir, and, Angela, Angelina, angry, aol, area, autozone, avanca, award, Baluchistan, Bank, Bath, BBC, bed, best, beyond, bing, birds, bogor, bollywood, bomb, buy, calculator, canada, candidates, capital, Chair, chase, Chewbacca, chris, classroom, Clinton, cnn, Comcast, costco, court, craigslist, credit, CRICINFO, degree, depot, dictionary, DNA, do, docs, dominos, donald, Dr, dr.maliha, drama,, drive, dropbox, dunya, dynamite, ebay, Emmanuel, English, Erdgon, espn, etsy, evenfield, exchange, expedia, Fabiha, Facebook, fake, Fakhar, fargo, Faryal, fateh, fedex, film, For, Forest, fox, Freight, gamestop, Geo, ghayle, Gmail, gold, goldsmith, google, groupon, hamid, Hania, harbor, have, hidden, Hillary, Holy, home, hotmail, hulu, HUM, hut, I, ikea, imdb, IMF, imran, indeed, India, Indian, instagram, Isfahani, Javed, jcpenney, jehangir, Jemima, Jobs, johns, Jolie, journal, Jurassic, justin, kamran, Kapil, Kapoor, karma, kashmir, Khan, Khanzada, khyber, Kingdom, kiss, kohls, lady, light, linkedin, lodhi, login, look, looto, lottery, Love, lowes, MACRON, macys, made, mail, Makhdoom, mamakroni, mapquest, maps, mask, masood, massive, Me, media, Medical, Merkel, milania, minecraft, mir, Momina, movie, movies, mp3, msn, Mustehsan, Nadeem, names, Nations, Nawaz, Netflix, news, Nobel, nusrat, of, OLX, one, Online, Pakhtoonkhawah, pakistan, Pakistani, Pandora, Papa, park, paypal, Peace, PIA, Pillow, pinki, pinterest, pirni, pizza, PORN, pornhub, post, powerball, Prank, presidential, prime, prize, prostitutes, public, Punjab, putin, Rahat, rates, raza, red, reddit, reference, Rida, Rings, Rishi, roblox, rozee, russia, Sarwar, Scholar, sex, Shahid, SHAHZEB, shape, shares, Sharief, Sharma, sherazi, shopping, show, siddiqui, Silver, Sindh, song, soundcloud, Southwest, speed, spotify, states, steam, stock, Supreme, t-series, Target, test, the, thesaurus, to, tracking, traductor, translate, trude, Trudeau, trump, truth, turbotax, Tutorials, tutorships, TV, twitch, Twitter, UNCHR, United, Ups, Urdu, usps, Verizon, visa, Walgreens, wallstreet, walmart, washington, weather, wells, whale, what, wife, wood, World, wrestlemania, WWE, xnxx, xvideos, Yahoo, you, YouTube,, Zaman, zillow اہم ترین, خبریں, کراچی

کراچی: صدارتی امیدوار کے انتخاب کے معاملے پر پیپلزپارٹی کی قیادت نے بلاول بھٹوزرداری سے رابطہ کیا ہے۔میڈیا رپورٹس کے مطابق بلاول بھٹوزرداری نے کہا ہے کہ صدارتی امیدوار کیلئے ان کے پاس 3 نام ہیں،پہلا نام اعتزاز احسن، دوسرا اعتزاز احسن اور تیسرا بھی اعتزاز احسن۔واضح رہے صدارتی امیدوار کے انتخاب کے معاملے پر […]